Q & A

YAB Teens are Talking About Stress and Anxiety

As teens today we are dealing with stress, anxiety and making choices in a whole new way… sometimes it feels like the whole world is watching and judging.  It’s never been a more important time to connect, empathize and support each other. In this Q&A,...

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YAB Teens are talking about parties.

Homecoming season, halloween and holiday parties are in full swing.  What really goes on, how teens handle the pressure, and how schools, the community and parents can help. Q.  What is the teen party scene like right now?  Are there a lot of...

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YAB Teens are talking about teen substance use…. why, what, and how we can do better for our teens.

Q.  When it comes to substance use; drinking, weed, vapes… if teens know it’s wrong, illegal and their parents would disapprove, then why do you think they do it?A.  I think teens are using because there is a lot of pressure on them about school and their...

YAB Teens are talking about the teen experience, Parent engagement and communication… Part 2.

A GREAT read for Parents, teachers, counselors... anyone interacting with teens today. The teen experience and how we can support them.  So compelling, if we can take the time to really listen to what our teens are going through.Q.  If at times your Parents...

THIS Q&A Blog is a must read!. YAB Teens are talking about Parents…. What they wish Parents knew and communication.

Q.  What do you wish your Parents knew about you (or teens in general) that they don’t know or understand?A.  I wish my Parents understood that a lot of teenagers ARE responsible to make good choices and hangout with our friends.  We will only go...

CHECK IT OUT… The Youth Action Board meeting dialogue is a great way to tap into what’s going on with our teens today.

YAB Teens are talking about their concerns, stress & pressure, what can be done, how they cope AND why the youth voice matters.What are you most concerned with right now?  And, why do you think this is a problem?Teens who turn to alcohol and drugs when they...

CHECK IT OUT… YAB Teens are talking about the rising trend in Vapes, what’s concerning them now, what needs to be done, and what keeps them grounded.

We’ve been hearing about a rising trend in e-cigs, vapes and hookah sticks.  Are you aware of this?  And, how, when and where do you think teens are engaging?Yes!  Kids will literally vape whenever they can.Yes… teens are using vapes in schools, in...

YAB Teens are talking about trends and concerns with teen substance use and their experience with the YAB.

What is concerning you most right now with teen substance use?A lot of kids binge drink and don’t realize how dangerous it is.I think it’s concerning that some Parents know about it, but are passive or even seem to encourage it.The carelessness of making the choice to...

YAB Teens on stress, pressure, anxiety AND What WE NEED to KNOW about Parent/Adult/Community awareness and engagement with teens in dealing with all of it.

We hear it all the time… “They just don’t understand.” So…. what do you wish they knew?Parents should realize how much pressure we are already have, we just need their support.We want to be able to make our own decisions, not just what our parents want us to do.I wish...

YAB Teens on keeping it real, the teen experience, the holidays and share their new year resolutions.

People just don’t understand …People don’t realize just how many of us teens don’t want to do drugs and party.  Sometimes when I talk to people they think I don’t care about global issues or that I don’t think about the world around me or my privilege.  I...

YAB Teens on partying trends; what, how, why….. AND how to handle the pressure.

Q. What are the trends in teen partying?  Are teens partying more or less in the summer?  During the school year?  On weekends?  During the week?  At school related events?   Teens Answer: I think partying has become popular year...

Summer is winding down but the YAB teens have not. Check out what we’ve been talking about….

YAB’s talk and answer questions on teen trends, access, effective messages, dealing with stress, and what Parents need to know….Q. What do think is the biggest problem today with youth substance use?  Teens Answer:Teenagers are NOT aware of the consequences that...