by bbcc4good | Nov 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
Q. When it comes to substance use; drinking, weed, vapes… if teens know it’s wrong, illegal and their parents would disapprove, then why do you think they do it?A. I think teens are using because there is a lot of pressure on them about school and their...
by bbcc4good | Oct 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
A GREAT read for Parents, teachers, counselors… anyone interacting with teens today. The teen experience and how we can support them. So compelling, if we can take the time to really listen to what our teens are going through.Q. If at times your...
by bbcc4good | Sep 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
Q. What do you wish your Parents knew about you (or teens in general) that they don’t know or understand?A. I wish my Parents understood that a lot of teenagers ARE responsible to make good choices and hangout with our friends. We will only go...
by bbcc4good | Jul 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
YAB Teens are talking about their concerns, stress & pressure, what can be done, how they cope AND why the youth voice matters.What are you most concerned with right now? And, why do you think this is a problem?Teens who turn to alcohol and drugs when they...
by bbcc4good | Jun 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
We’ve been hearing about a rising trend in e-cigs, vapes and hookah sticks. Are you aware of this? And, how, when and where do you think teens are engaging?Yes! Kids will literally vape whenever they can.Yes… teens are using vapes in schools, in...
by bbcc4good | Apr 26, 2017 | Uncategorized
What is concerning you most right now with teen substance use?A lot of kids binge drink and don’t realize how dangerous it is.I think it’s concerning that some Parents know about it, but are passive or even seem to encourage it.The carelessness of making the choice to...