Q & A
Teen Stress & Drug Abuse… there is a strong link between stress and drug abuse in teens.
Tapping into the TEEN BRAIN right here and right now…. Youth Action Board Teens are talking about stress, pressure and anxiety. Root causes and ways to cope. They want you to know where it’s coming from, who’s contributing, who’s helping and HOW teens can help...
From the YAB table. Tap into the teen brain and find out what teens think is important for teens who feel stressed about school… & just what Schools and Parents need to know and do to support them.
What is the most important thing for freshman to do, not do, to remember in high school? Establish yourself and how you want to be seen by others. The first impressions you leave on others will follow you throughout high school. Also, this is the year...
From the YAB table dialogue. Tap into the teen brain right here right now!
YAB Teens are talking about what’s stressing our teens, what Schools and Parents NEED to know, AND what they SHOULD do. What is causing you the most stress right now? Right now, I find myself the most stressed about my future and the unknown. With the school...
What Teens are talking about…. Stress, pressure, alcohol, drugs… and we really need to listen.
Q. What do you think are the biggest things causing teens so much stress and anxiety right now? A. I would say that the biggest things causing teens stress and anxiety right now are school and the social atmosphere. Teens are told that getting into...
YAB Teens are talking about teen substance use…. why, what, and how we can do better for our teens.
Q. When it comes to substance use; drinking, weed, vapes… if teens know it’s wrong, illegal and their parents would disapprove, then why do you think they do it?A. I think teens are using because there is a lot of pressure on them about school and their...
YAB Teens are talking about the teen experience, Parent engagement and communication… Part 2.
A GREAT read for Parents, teachers, counselors... anyone interacting with teens today. The teen experience and how we can support them. So compelling, if we can take the time to really listen to what our teens are going through.Q. If at times your Parents...